How to register a new company in Myanmar?
1. Create a MyCO Account To file an online application to incorporate a company, you must have first create a MyCO account. To set up a new account, please see the How to Create an Read More
1. Create a MyCO Account To file an online application to incorporate a company, you must have first create a MyCO account. To set up a new account, please see the How to Create an Read More
The original post here contains 57 startup lessons with the following categories: people, fundraising, markets, products, marketing, sales, development, company administration, and personal well-being. Some selected lessons are shared below: People Split the stock between Read More
A startup company (startup or start-up) is an entrepreneurial venture which is typically a newly emerged, fast-growing business that aims to meet a marketplace need by developing or offering an innovative product, process or service. A startup is usually a company such as a small business, Read More
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